Science Practices and Concepts

Below, you will find a list of the Science Explosion – “Science Practices and Concepts” – songs, written by Fred Ribits. Included are both the vocal track and the instrumental track. All of the lyrics, critical thinking questions, and mind-mapping opportunities for each song, can be found by viewing or downloading “Sing the Science Standards Songbook.”

Song Title and Description

Attributes — A song (0:41) for elementary students explaining the importance of attributes for classification. Sung to the tune of “If You are Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands.”

Creative Expressions — A song (1:14) for elementary students on various creative ways to summarize the work of the day or week. Sung to the tune of “What Child is This?”

Cultural Diversity — A song (1:00) for elementary and middle school students highlighting the work of scientists from man different cultures. This song is also available as a video.

Follow Directions — A song (1:06) for middle school students on the importance of following directions to improve the quality of work.

Let’s Observe — A song (1:13) for elementary and middle school students all about the skills and importance of observation. This song is also available as a video.

Scientific Method — A song (0:54) for elementary and middle school students on the process of the scientific method. Sung to the tune of “Turkey in the Straw.”

Technology — A song (0:42) for elementary and middle school students on the importance of technology in our daily lives. Sung to the tune of “Camptown Races.”

Words and Tools of Measurement — A song (1:13) for elementary students explaining many of the measurement tools used in science.