Science Ideas
Take a look below to learn more about starting off a science class with a “Science Start-Up.”
Take a look below to learn more using “Bitmoji’s” in your classroom to build engagement.
Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a tool that has its value in research about how the brain works. The core of this idea is that the brain does not think in words alone. In fact, it thinks in pictures or symbols rather than words. The Mind Map is a natural function of the human mind. It is a powerful graphic technique that can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance performance. Here is a simple example of a simple Mind Map:

For more information on Mind Mapping please visit:
Science Start-Ups
A science “Start-Up” is a great way to begin a science class and engage all students. “Start-Ups” are engaging anticipatory set questions that pique student interest. “Start-Ups” provide a great opportunity for prime time learning — either reviewing previous learning or introducing new learning. “Start-Ups” include a graphic, a multiple choice question, open-ended questions and a vocabulary word. They are questions that can be answered by students and then discussed.

For more information on “Start-Ups” and many examples, please visit:
Bitmoji — Educators Turn to Bitmoji to Build Community and Engagement
The most popular use of Bitmojis (personalized cartoon avatar) in education is for creating virtual classrooms, or virtual learning hubs (typically hosted on Google Slides, which can be integrated into a learning management system (LMS) like Seesaw, Google Classroom, or Schoology) where teachers post classroom materials and resources for students. Every teacher’s Bitmoji classroom is unique. Some teachers have made them resemble their real-life classrooms or homes, while others have leaned toward fantasy.
Below you will find a Bitmoji presentation that I prepared for students at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan, for an asynchronous class meeting. The goals of the presentation were:
- Gain a better understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Become a trained GLOBE Teacher
- Discover resources that can be used to implement the NGSS in the — The GLOBE Program, NASA Resources, and NASA’s AREN Project
- Learn some science songs from Science Explosion
- Observe and participate in a Bitmoji Classroom
Resources to use to develop your own Bitmoji project include: